
We're thrilled to say that A Kingdom of Tea & Strangers is currently touring in the US! While some of the details are still taking shape, we will be keeping this page updated with tickets and viewing opportunities. If you'd like to host a screening in your town/church/community, don't hesitate to get in touch!

Current Upcoming Screenings:

Lancaster, PA - Wheatland Presbyterian Church at 7pm on October 22nd. Free to attend. More info here.

New York City, NY - The Hephzibah House at 7pm on October 24th. Limited capacity. Email to find out about attending!

Boston, MA - The home of Anna & Dave Friedrich in Dedham, MA at 7pm on October 25th. Sign up for free here!

Huntsville, AL - Covenant Presbyterian Church at 7pm on November 7th. Free to attend!

Previous Screenings:

Nashville, TN - The Belcourt Theatre on August 29th. Read our recap of the premiere here.

Atlanta, GA - The Tara Theatre on October 2nd

Charlotte, NC - The Independent Picture House on October 4th

Nashville, TN - City Church of East Nashville on October 18th