
We're thrilled to say that A Kingdom of Tea & Strangers is currently touring in the US! We've spent much of autumn 2024 screening the film at various theaters, churches, and homes near the east coast—often accompanied by tea and rich group discussion among strangers afterward!

Going into 2025, we're trying to make the film more accessible for those further away—and one way is by empowering others to host their own screenings! Just recently, we've finished a Viewing Guide with suggestions, technical tips, and discussion questions for those interested in showing the film in their own community. Click here to download the guide!

If you'd like to talk about arranging a screening in your town/church/community, don't hesitate to get in touch via email at!

Current Upcoming Screenings:

Chapel Hill, NC - Holy Trinity Anglican Church on March 21st.

St Louis, MO - Old Orchard Church at 6:30pm on March 29th. Details and optional RSVP here.

Urbana, IL - AudioFeed Music Festival on July 6th. More info here.

Previous Screenings:

Nashville, TN - The Belcourt Theatre on August 29th. Read our recap of the premiere here.

Atlanta, GA - The Tara Theatre on October 2nd

Charlotte, NC - The Independent Picture House on October 4th

Nashville, TN - City Church of East Nashville on October 18th

Lancaster, PA - Wheatland Presbyterian Church on October 22nd

New York City, NY - The Hephzibah House on October 24th

Boston, MA - The home of Anna & Dave Friedrich in Dedham, MA on October 25th

Toronto, Canada - Private Screening w/YouTuber Community on October 27th

Huntsville, AL - Covenant Presbyterian Church on November 7th

Washington, DC - The Institute on Religion and Democracy on January 23rd

Lancaster, PA - First United Methodist Church on January 25th

Chattanooga, TN - Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church on February 7th

Rhinelander, WI - The Hilgermann Center for Community on February 11th

Rochester, MN - Rochester L'Abri Conference on February 14th

Dayton, TN - Allan & Emily's House at 7pm on February 22nd